How we keep in touch
The way we keep in contact with you will differ depending on whether you are paying in, no longer paying in or retired.
The way we keep in contact with you will differ depending on whether you are paying in, no longer paying in or retired.
You can view your pension record online by using MSS.
The benefits of this facility include:
New users must sign up to request an activation key, click here. You will receive your activation key and instructions on how to complete your registration. If you have not received your activation key or you have lost your activation key, please contact the admin team, click here.
If you have any questions please contact us.
Each year we publish online using MSS a statement showing you an estimate of your benefits. The statement will show you the current value of your pension package and will provide some useful information regarding the scheme.
This newsletter is issued up to twice a year and contains useful information regarding changes to the scheme regulations, topical pension issues and updates on the service we provide. Occasionally it will be issued at the same time as the annual benefit statements.
[Text may be removed if draft Newsletter no available at time of go-live]
Don't forget to let us know if you:
We offer a half day course twice a year called ‘Planning for a positive retirement’ aimed at those looking to retire in 18 months or so.
All members approaching retirement have the opportunity to attend a pre-retirement course, to help plan for the financial and lifestyle issues surrounding retirement.
These courses are run by Learning & Development and can be found here.
You can view your pension record online by using MSS.
The benefits of this facility include:
Each year we publish online using MSS a statement showing you an estimate of your benefits. The statement will show you the current value of your pension package and will provide some useful information regarding the scheme.
You can view your pension record online by using MSS.
The benefits of this facility include:
We are in process of issuing a new pension newsletter and this will be published to the Newsletter section of the recourses page.
We will send you a payment advice when you first retire from employment. However, after that we will only send an advice if your payment changes by more than £5. We will also send you an advice in April with details of the pensions increase amount and the new gross monthly payment amount.
As a retired scheme member within the LGPS you are in receipt of a guaranteed secure pension which is payable for life, with certain possible exceptions.
If you are in receipt of a monthly pension and have a change of address or bank account then please confirm the new details by writing to the address shown at the bottom of this page or download a of Change of Personal Details form, click here. Please send the completed form to the address shown on the form.
If you have any tax queries, please contact the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on 0300 200 3300.
Your pension will be paid into your bank/building society account on the last banking day of each month. The latest dates can be found on the 'Pension Payments' page.
The Pensions Office notifies HMRC that you are starting to receive a pension. HMRC will use this information to give you a new tax code and make sure you pay the correct amount of tax on your pension payment.
A P60 is a certificate showing the pension paid and the tax deducted during the previous tax year. We will send you a P60 in May each year.
We will write to you every April with details of your pension increase.
If you decide to move abroad, your pension can still be paid monthly into a bank account anywhere in the world.
All our overseas transactions are processed by Western Union for which there is a nominal charge.
Please remember to let us know if you:
You can obtain further information by visiting our resources section.